Making Evolution Education
Relevant and Accessible
The various sub-disciplines of biology are often taught in isolation of one another. The case studies below explore biological systems from an integrative perspective with an emphasis on evolution as the unifying theme.
The various sub-disciplines of biology are often taught in isolation of one another. The case studies below explore biological systems from an integrative perspective with an emphasis on evolution as the unifying theme.
About Evo-Ed
The goal of our Evo-Ed website is to provide integrative evolution-based content for introductory university- and college-level biology. Some of our content is also great for high school or AP Bio!
The content of each unit is provided with four different components:
(1) Website Descriptions: the web descriptions are intended to walk a user through each facet of each unit. Oftentimes, you will find information about the molecular genetics, cell biology and ecology of each exemplar, along with information that is unique and specific to each unit.
(2) PowerPoint Slides: the PowerPoint slides are meant to be used in a classroom-setting. Given this, we often embed classroom activities, or think-pair-share type questions as opportunities for students to further engage with the content in an instructor-supported setting.
(3) Question Sets: with each unit, we try to provide question sets for further student investigation, exploration, and learning. These questions could be used as part of an in-class activity, or as homework.
(4) YouTube Videos: This past year we have teamed up with BittersweetContent to produce high quality instructional content for each unit. Our goal is to provide a series of short, digestible videos that correspond to the different levels of each unit. You can find these videos embedded in the webpages across our site, or on our video compilation webpage. You can also visit our Evo-Ed YouTube channel which hosts all our video content.

Evo-Ed and NGSS 3-dimensional learning
If you want to see a completely different way for students to learn about mouse fur color evolution, or the amazing biology behind sweet and wrinkled garden peas, check out one of our offshoot projects at You can click on the links below to visit the ConnectedBio Mouse Fur Color or Garden Pea Taste integrated lessons. Or, you can check out the fully interactive mouse fur color simulation.